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Freenode ##programming Conversations - (Fortunes Cookies) Shlomi Fish's Collection

The Freenode ##programming Fortunes collection

The Fortunes Themselves



rindolf ljuwaidah: so aren't there more people who use FOSS in Oman?
ljuwaidah there are, but they're only a few
rindolf ljuwaidah: ah.
rindolf Oman has .om as its TLD.
rindolf .om .nom .nom
rindolf p.om p.om
rindolf kabo.om
rindolf DJB got the cr.yp.to domain.
rindolf And there's also ali.as which is Adam Kennedy's.
ljuwaidah looool
ljuwaidah rand.om :P
ljuwaidah do.om :P
ljuwaidah ro.om
ljuwaidah m.om
Black_Phoenix your.m.om
ljuwaidah hahahaha
ljuwaidah is that supposed to be a milf site? :P
rindolf yahoo.c.om
ljuwaidah bro.om
rindolf http://yourmom.com/
rindolf Though it's down now.
ljuwaidah don't keep your hopes up on .om domains
ljuwaidah our ISP is a greedy money sucker
rindolf "I'd rather be a .com than a .om"
ljuwaidah rindolf: me too
rindolf ljuwaidah: this was a joke.
rindolf I have a few .org domains.
rindolf From GoDaddy
ljuwaidah unless you need it for a domain trick
* Black_Phoenix <--- .com bastard here
ljuwaidah rindolf: where's the joke?
rindolf ljuwaidah: joke?
rindolf ljuwaidah: it rhymes.
rindolf dot-com, dot-om - get it? get it? get it?
rindolf ;-)
ljuwaidah no :(
rindolf ljuwaidah: om rhymes with com.
ljuwaidah so?
rindolf ljuwaidah: "I'd rather be a dot-com than a dot-om"
rindolf ljuwaidah: it's just a silly rhyme.
Black_Phoenix I'd rather a website
rindolf Black_Phoenix: I accidentally a web-site.
ljuwaidah I still don't get the joke
Black_Phoenix rindolf, I'd still rather a blog
rindolf Black_Phoenix: rather what a blog?
Black_Phoenix Website a blog
rindolf ljuwaidah: never mind.
ljuwaidah sorry, I don't know why I'm slow today
rindolf Black_Phoenix: do you mean that you would rather *be* a web-site?
Black_Phoenix I'd rather website a blog
Black_Phoenix broken grammar time :D
ljuwaidah Black_Phoenix: when did website become a verb?
Black_Phoenix it didn't
Black_Phoenix I'm using it as a verb to produce nonsense
ljuwaidah I sense light!
ljuwaidah {I see}
rindolf ljuwaidah: http://www.google.com.om/
ljuwaidah rindolf: I know
rindolf If Google can do it - so can you.
ljuwaidah I don't use it
ljuwaidah 'cause some services don't work on it
rindolf ljuwaidah: ah.
rindolf ljuwaidah: in any case, seems like one can register a .com.om domain.
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline The .om domain

With what to write code?


Quetzalcoatl_ How do I write a computer vision program in C on a microcontroller?
dyf Quetzalcoatl_: with a text editor?
Quetzalcoatl_ Hmm.. Never thought of that. But which editor? Is Notepad good enough?
mauke no, you need at least Wordpad
rindolf mauke: I suggest MS Word or at least OpenOffice.org
rindolf mauke: but in order to really be able to write well, you need a desktop publishing program like Scribus or Adobe FrameMaker.
* rindolf wonders which compiler will accept PDFs as input.
waiting rindolf: /usr/bin/pdftotext
rindolf waiting: and pray.
rindolf There's an estoric programming language called Piet (I think) that accepts images as input.
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline How to write stylistic code

Your Emacs is so fat


rindolf Deiu: which editor are you using?
Deiu Ugh, let me catch up with the convo first
Deiu And yeah, I use vim too
rindolf Deiu: ah good. If you were using Eight Megabytes And Continuously Swapping , I would have to swap you with it!
rindolf I have a column of vim tips on one of my blogs.
rindolf I also like Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift.
rindolf There are a lot of jokes about Emacs.
Zuu There are lots of jokes about your mom too ;)
rindolf Zuu: eMom
Zuu eh?
rindolf e-Macs -> eMum
rindolf "Your Mom is so fat, only Emacs takes more memory than her."
Zuu nope, doesnt work
rindolf Zuu: :-(
Zuu Your emacs is so fat that your mom could fit in it
rindolf Heh.
Zuu ahhh, yes, much better
rindolf Zuu++
Zuu :P
→dbm has joined ##programming
* rindolf stores some key/value pairs in dbm
* Zuu stores some moms in dbm
dbm lol
rindolf Zuu: you overflowed him.
Zuu :>
dbm ;)
rindolf Or her, don't know.
rindolf them.
dbm 'him'
rindolf OK.
rindolf dbm: I don't recall your nick.
dbm dbm= dont bother me
rindolf don't be mean.
dbm ;)
Zuu or: do bother me
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Your Emacs is so fat

Why XSLT is so evil?


→xmler has joined ##programming
xmler Hi
xmler How can I do <a href="$variable">blah</a> in XSLT?
rindolf xmler: you can use <xsl:attribute>
rindolf xmler: or use ${...}
rindolf xmler: have you read the Zvon XSLT tutorial?
xmler rindolf: I've read various resources; perhaps it's the fault of XML::XSLT on CPAN
rindolf xmler: use XML::LibXSLT instead.
rindolf It's faster and better.
Zuu <insert mean statement about XSLT>
Zuu :)
rindolf "XSLT is the work of Satan"
rindolf "It's the worst thing since non-sliced bread."
Zuu Hahaha :D
rindolf "Mothers used to tell their children about XSLT to scare them."
xmler Haha
Zuu That last one is good
xmler XSLT seems pretty cool
Zuu xmler, no no, that's not mean
Zuu you're doing it wrong
Zuu :P
xmler XSLT is too cool to be mean to :p
Zuu Hehe
rindolf "XSLT is the number one cause of programmers' suicides since Visual Basic 1.0"
tommy_the-dragon lol
Zuu :>
Zuu I could believe in that
rindolf "The X in XSLT stands for eXtermination."
rindolf "XSLT makes the baby jesus cry."
rindolf "The only things worse than XSLT are Excel and sugarless tea."
tommy_the-dragon rofl
* Zuu kinda likes Excel
rindolf Zuu: yes, it was a joke.
Zuu Noooh!
Zuu they are all true!
rindolf Now I'm out of ideas.
Zuu i havent even had a single idea yet..
rindolf "XSLT is what Chuck Norris has nightmares of."
Zuu Whoah!
Zuu wait.. that would somehow make XSLT cooler than Chuck Norris...
Zuu Chuck Norris dont have mightmares
rindolf "Confucius e says: 'XSLT made me realise humanity was hopeless."
Zuu "Even APL wont make friends with XSLT"
Zuu yay, i maded one!
rindolf "God considered using XSLT as the tenth plague of Egypt, but thought it was too evil."
rindolf Zuu: :-)
Zuu Haha :D
Zuu that plauge one is awesome
rindolf "In Soviet Russia, XSLT codes you. Badly!"
rindolf "Satan condemned Hitler for a million years of writing XSLT"
rindolf OK, back to work.
rindolf C - not XSLt.
Zuu :)
rindolf "The KGB used to torture their victims by having them look at scrolling XSLT code"
xmler rindolf: lol, love the KGB + XSLT one
xmler rindolf: by the way, what's with the XSLT hate by the way, is it some kind of meme? :p
* Zuu gives xmler an XSLT interpreter written in XSLT
Jck_true I wanna make ASM code from XSLT
rindolf "My name is Inigo Montoya. You forced my father to write XSLT. Prepare to die! And be thankful I don't force you to write XSLT."
xmler Ah for gawd's sake. Can't install XML::LibXML, it says I don't have libxml2 (I do)
rindolf xmler: do you have the -devel package?
rindolf xmler: what is your distro?
rindolf OS distro I mean.
xmler rindolf: Debian 4.0
xmler Ooh, perhaps I don't actually
rindolf xmler: ok, then apt-get install libxml-libxslt-perl
* Zuu have to go o/
rindolf xmler: maybe we should discuss it on #perl?
rindolf Zuu: bye
rindolf Zuu: and beware of stray XSLT code.
Zuu I will :P
rindolf Zuu: OK.
xmler rindolf: sure, uno memento :)
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Chuck Norris is out! XSLT is in!

Introducing dazjorz to Zuu


dazjorz rindolf!
dazjorz areth thou here?
rindolf Hi dazjorz
dazjorz :)
rindolf dazjorz: yes, I are here.
dazjorz isn't it kind of weird to have a programming channel when there are language specific channels around?
Zuu Muhah!
rindolf dazjorz: this is about programming in general.
rindolf At least theoretically.
rindolf And VB.NET questions.
joeyadams Well, ##programming is a good place to ask C questions and actually get helpful answers :)
dazjorz rindolf: did you intentionally make it look like vb.net is not programming?
rindolf dazjorz: meet Zuu - he's into Windows and D and stuff.
dazjorz !
rindolf dazjorz: no.
rindolf dazjorz: VB.NET is programming.
dazjorz hey Zuu, I'm dazjorz, I'm into linux and c and stuff.
rindolf But it has its own channel.
Zuu :>
dazjorz rindolf: I've been thinking about changing nicks
rindolf dazjorz: ah. so did I.
* Zuu is into everything sane, except the boring stuff
rindolf dazjorz: to what?
dazjorz rindolf: my current one is waaaay too lame, but "sjors" is probably too generic
rindolf dazjorz: I like dazjorz
dazjorz rindolf: I don't, because when people see my name is sjors, da zjorz is just too lame to bear
dazjorz rindolf: I was thinking about sjors, or some three-letter abbreviation of my name, sjg or so
Zuu how about.... 'carrot' ?
dazjorz I think I do prefer dazjorz over carrot
Zuu no worries, i promise not to stuff you up rindolf's tomato nose
Zuu hum :<
dazjorz Zuu: when I first read your nick on Shlomi's site five minutes ago, I asked him whether you were a mix between Zorix and Buu
dazjorz do you know the two?
rindolf Zoffix and buu.
Zuu nope
dazjorz uh zoffix yeah
dazjorz Zuu: okay, well, you don't know them, but believe me, I'm glad you're not a mix of the two, that would be horrible :P
Zuu im a mix of much worse personalities im sure
Zuu most of them just happen to cancel each other out
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Introudcing dazjorz to Zuu

Reindeers, Tomatoes and Nicks


rindolf dazjorz: I considered switching my default nick to "shlomif", because that's how most people know me.
dazjorz rindolf: yeah, it's your alternative nick now right?
rindolf dazjorz: but then XChat2 reverted to the old nick and I was too lazy.
unreal You seem to have many, well, stupid friends, rindolf :P
rindolf dazjorz: yes, I have it registered.
rindolf unreal: stupid?
Zuu rindolf, noo! what to do about the tomato then? fish dont have big tomato noses!
rindolf Zuu: fish?
rindolf Zuu: I'll give you a tomoato.
Zuu good question
rindolf I'll give you the tomato back.
Zuu where do i get fish from
Zuu no no, keep it :D
rindolf Zuu: my last name is Fish.
* tommy_the-dragon slaps zuu with a fish
tommy_the-dragon there ya go
dazjorz rindolf: I just registered 'sjors'
* rindolf gives a fish to Zuu
dazjorz rindolf: as a nick.
Zuu rindolf, thats just absurd, a reindeer with 'fish' as surname...
Zuu your parents must have hated you
rindolf Open source: "everyone contributes a fish, and in exchange everyone gets their own ocean."
rindolf dazjorz: ah, cool.
Zuu tommy_the-dragon, does dragons eat other animals, like fish?
unreal Ocean == Big Momma's Bath?
rindolf Zuu: I'm not a reindeer - I just play one on T.V.
tommy_the-dragon not fish...
tommy_the-dragon just reindeers
Zuu tommy_the-dragon, what about fake TV reindeers ?
Zuu Nice :D
rindolf unreal: no, the whole enchilada.
rindolf tommy_the-dragon: LOL.
tommy_the-dragon and enchiladas
dazjorz rindolf: I know someone whose nick is Stonehead, he made his three-letter acronym stn, but usually it's letters from the first name
dazjorz uh
dazjorz the full name
dazjorz yours could be shf for example, and everybody would know "hey, that's shlomi"
dazjorz but I'm at most sg, so I need to borrow another letter somewhere, or make it daz or just sjors
* dazjorz thinks
tommy_the-dragon my cat eats flies...
rindolf dazjorz: I hate these three letter acronyms.
Zuu shlomi really sounds like some dish made of reindeer
tommy_the-dragon but hes lucky because i dont eat cats
rindolf Zuu: heh.
unreal heh
rindolf tommy_the-dragon: I didn't know dragons had cats.
dazjorz what's the name of the red-nosed reindeer again?
Zuu it sounds edible at least
dazjorz oh rudolf :)
rindolf dazjorz: Randolph.
dazjorz oh
unreal I used to have a friend whos nick was "crap"
rindolf unreal: wow.
dazjorz <someguy> crap, someone stole my bicycle
dazjorz <crap> ok?
rindolf dazjorz: heh.
dazjorz rindolf: why don't you like the three-letter acronyms?
rindolf dazjorz: often too confusing.
rindolf dazjorz: and two easy to mistype.
rindolf dazjorz: and not too memorable.
unreal LIS.
dazjorz three easy to mistype, I think
rindolf And often hard to pronounce.
dazjorz maybe I'll just go with sjors
rindolf too easy. Freudian.
rindolf dazjorz: yes, I think that's a good idea.
unreal (Lies, I say!)
dazjorz hehe, rindolf++ # freudian
Zuu or you could pick something girly and hope people will treat you nicer :)
rindolf dazjorz: have you played with the farnsworth bot yet?
rindolf Zuu: RinGirl
rindolf Though nicks with "Girl " in them tend to draw too much attention.
Zuu nah, it cant contain 'girl' that just seems fake
dazjorz rindolf: I have
dazjorz rindolf: remind me to fix knotify, khtml, and quassel :(
rindolf dazjorz: nice.
rindolf dazjorz: using MemoServ?
dazjorz rindolf: the bugs annoy me, a lot, but I never get around to actually trying to fix them
rindolf Zuu: maybe I should call myself "shlomi". Americans will think I'm a girl.
Zuu yeah, it kinda have a girlish sound to it
dazjorz rindolf: call yourself shloma, dutch people will think you're over sixty and female
rindolf dazjorz: heh.
dazjorz let me rephase that
dazjorz dutch people will think you're female... and over sixty
dazjorz (oma = grandma)
rindolf dazjorz: ah.
unreal kloot.
rindolf In Hebrew nouns that end with "ah" tend to be feminine.
dazjorz shlomah?
rindolf Seriously now, if I change my nick it will be to shlomif.
dazjorz let's change our nicks at the same time
rindolf Well, in Shlomi's case it would be Shlomith.
dazjorz I will be sjors, you will be shlomif
rindolf dazjorz: OK.
* rindolf is now known as shlomif
dazjorz shit, now I have to
Zuu what does shlimif even mean ?
* dazjorz is now known as sjors
sjors Zuu: shlomi = his first name, f = the first letter of his last name
shlomif sjors: hi.
shlomif Zuu: shlomi fish.
sjors hi shlomif
shlomif Hi sjors
tommy_the-dragon where does rindolf come into it?
shlomif sjors: my nick is longer than yours.
Zuu oh lol, and i just said his name sound girly :P
* Zuu pat pats shlomif ^^
shlomif tommy_the-dragon: Rindolf was a dwarven warrior I played in AD&D.
tommy_the-dragon ahh ok
* shlomif gives Zuu his tomato back.
Zuu :<
shlomif Since I'm no longer a reindeer.
sjors shlomif: that's just to compensate against something you have that's way shorter than mine
shlomif sjors: LOL.
shlomif sjors++
Zuu Erhmm.. shlomif! how come there's this big hole in it?
tommy_the-dragon sorry...
tommy_the-dragon my bad
Zuu Hehe
* shlomif doesn't like raw tomatoes.
shlomif But I eat them with pasta, etc.
shlomif Or as meat sauce.
Zuu or in sandwiches
shlomif sjors: anyway, welcome to ##programming
Zuu or on reindeer nose
shlomif sjors: I'll probably revert to "rindolf" after next disconnect.
shlomif Zuu: after you cook the entire reindeer.
* shlomif is a reindeer cannibal.
shlomif Well, rindolf is.
Zuu yes, but he ran away
shlomif I also like dried and olive oiled tomatoes.
sjors shlomif: I just changed my clients' settings to reconnect as sjors, too
shlomif Well, I think I'll go to sleep.
shlomif sjors: ah.
sjors shlomif: it'll probably take a while to "adapt" to sjors instead of dazjorz
shlomif sjors: well, enjoy your new nick.
sjors and I still have dazjorz.com, and not sjors.anything
* Zuu tugs shlomif in
sjors thanks ;)
shlomif Zuu: thanks.
* Zuu quicly squeeses a fresh tomato onto shlomif's nose
sjors shlomif: sjors.biz and sjors.mobi at most
* shlomif doesn't have rindolf.{com,org,net} etc.
shlomif sjors: maybe sjors.in
shlomif I got a shlom.in
sjors sjors.indahou.se
shlomif sjors: heh.
sjors sjors.ac, sjors.ag, sjors.am, sjors.at
sjors hehe sjors.me
sjors sjors.pl, too bad i don't really do perl anymore
shlomif sjors: there's also .sh
sjors sjors.sh, too bad I don't really do shell script a lot
shlomif Or .im
sjors sjors.tv, too bad I don't really watch..
tommy_the-dragon do you own a mobile?
shlomif .tv are pretty costly.
sjors meh I don't like sjors. anyway, so I'll just keep dazjorz for everything
tommy_the-dragon yeah whats with that (the price of .tv)?
shlomif tommy_the-dragon: it's the foundation of the economy of Tuvaly.
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Reindeers, Tomatoes and Normalising Nicks



* rindolf tries to think what can cause the KDE 4 SNAFU on his user.
rindolf And hopefully to avoid bissecting the KDE 4 config tree.
Zuu snafu... that wounds like a delicious cake :D
Zuu *sounds
rindolf Zuu: Situation Normal - All F****ed up.
Zuu :/
* Zuu gives the snafu cake to Dmage :D
Zuu Dmage, just eat the cake already
Dmage Zuu, are you hate my english? ;)
Zuu i hate your non-english
Black_Phoenix I english your hate
Dmage xD
Zuu Dmage, but i dont hate you! :D
Black_Phoenix and now I can do that
Dmage Zuu, learn russian then! :)
Zuu Hehe
Zuu Dmage, i think you'd hate my russion far more than i would ever hate your english
rindolf Spasiva.
Dmage xD
Dmage learn 'Eto huinya!'
* Zuu steals the snafu cake back from Dmage and gives it to rindolf instead
Dmage and apply everywhere
* rindolf eats the SNAFU cake
Zuu :D
* rindolf eats Zuu's Danish too.
Zuu Noooh!
* rindolf loves Zuu's Danish.
rindolf Yum yum.
Zuu tis mine!
Zuu My daaaanish :'(
rindolf My precioussssssssss!
Zuu tis gone :<
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline SNAFU Cake

What is Qantor?


rindolf What should I do now?
rindolf I'll work on Text-Qantor.
rindolf It's so great not to have a job.
Zuu yeah, if someone else pays for the food it sure is :D
Zuu also, i dont really understand much of what you just told me :P
* Zuu puts a stick into the Text-Qantor
rindolf Zuu: Qantor == Qantor ain't no TeX/Troff oh really.
rindolf It's a typesetting system I'm working on.
* Zuu hates the name
Zuu it makes me kinda mad actually :/
rindolf Zuu: :-)
rindolf Zuu: maybe it will grow on you.
rindolf Zuu: some people I know named a browser suckass.
Zuu :(
rindolf I refused to work on it.
Zuu see that's a name!
rindolf Zuu: heh.
Zuu i didnt mean that btw :)
Zuu suckass is kinda... unkind
rindolf OK, now I should write an http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/XSLT/ transformation.
rindolf I'll start from something I already have.
Zuu But the "X ain't no <something related>" is just a lame naming convention imho
Zuu yeah, work on some XSLT facts :D
rindolf Zuu: just call it Qantor then.
rindolf Without the mnemonics.
Zuu but anyone interrested will learn that it's an abbreviation
Zuu just by the fact that it's recursive makes me want to kill myself a little bit more :P
rindolf Zuu: do me a break and kill yourself.
Zuu :>
rindolf Less Zuus - more grass for evil reindeers like me to feed on.
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline What is Qantor?

Turing Hard


rindolf Pythack now was able to get the fc-solve test suite up and running.
Zuu eh?!
* Zuu solves rindolf
rindolf Zuu: http://fc-solve.berlios.de/
rindolf Zuu: I am not solvable.
rindolf I am Turing hard.
Zuu :S
* Zuu never heard of anything called 'turing hard'
joeyadams lol. Zuu's probabilistic, so maybe he can solve you.
Zuu but i guess i have now
joeyadams Formal definition of Turing hard: blah blah blah hard blah blah Turing blah.
Zuu Hahahaha :D
joeyadams Wikipedia: Given a set X in P(N), a set A in N is called Turing hard for X if X <=_T A for all X in X. If additionally A is in X, then A is called Turing complete for X.
joeyadams Does that clarify?
joeyadams (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_reduction for the actual math symbols)
* joeyadams assumes you get the point
Zuu yeah, i think i'll have to put significant time into that, for me to comprehend it :)
Zuu but maybe i will, some day :P
joeyadams My point is that people like to use mumbo jumbo to describe more concise mumbo jumbo.
joeyadams E.g. A problem is NP-hard if it is at least as hard as all the problems in NP.
Zuu i undersstand enough of it, to be fairly confident that rindolf being turing hard, will not say much about his ability to be solved
joeyadams I'm guessing Turing-hard means you can't solve a problem with a Turing machine (e.g. the halting problem)
joeyadams (substitute Turing machine with "your computer" :) )
Zuu no, turing hard has something to do with expressiveness
joeyadams okay, Zuu > joeyadams, so I can't help you :)
* Zuu tickles joeyadams ^^
joeyadams A delicious apple is any fruit ∈ apple that is at least as tasty as any other fruit ∈ apple.
joeyadams In other words, apples are in the set of recursively nommable fruits.
rindolf joeyadams: what's up?
joeyadams I'm babbling.
rindolf joeyadams: Apple is one of my least favourite fruits.
* Zuu watches a number of apples that recursively NOM's eathother
rindolf It tends to be too commonplace.
rindolf Or simpleton.
joeyadams whoops, my logic is incorrect
joeyadams Only delicious apples are ∈ the nommable fruits.
joeyadams (recursively is just a word you throw in to sound smart)
* Zuu NOMs joeyadams :>
rindolf joeyadams: a friend of one of my sisters said that Apple is his favourite fruit.
rindolf Ta-zuu!
* joeyadams has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection nommed by peer))
Zuu yeah, unfortunately a lot of people throw with a lot of words to sound smart :/
Zuu my favourite fruit is a recursive banana!
joeyadams although it certainly helps to use complex terminology to solve complex problems. As Aristophanes said, "High thoughts must have high language."
Zuu .. along with immutable polymorphic pears
joeyadams Zuu> I guess you have to peel it indefinitely?
joeyadams lol
Zuu Hahah, yeah :P
joeyadams I tend to eat bananas in deterministic polynomial time.
Zuu i eat them in linear time, but uses exponential space
joeyadams lol
rindolf Heh.
joeyadams eww
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Turing Hard

The Ultimate ##programming Showdown


→ecere has joined ##programming
ljuwaidah yo ecere!!
Zuu yay, life :)
* Zuu tickles ljuwaidah
* ljuwaidah punches zuu in the face
* Zuu starts crying :'(
rindolf Fight!
rindolf Fight! Fight!
* Zuu runs home to mommy
rindolf Let's get ready to rumble!!!
* ljuwaidah punches rindolf in the face
ljuwaidah for encouraging the fight, that is
Zuu hehe
* rindolf uses his Evil Antlers to summon a squadron of Chuck Norrises.
Zuu oh my!
* rindolf unleashes the Chuck Norrises upon ljuwaidah
* ljuwaidah uses his anti-chuck-norrise spell
Zuu those anterls must be the most evil thing in the entire universe
Zuu *antlers
rindolf ljuwaidah: your spell only works on one chuck norris at a day.
rindolf And I have 119 more.
rindolf Finish him!
Zuu i wonder what will happen if one Chuck Norris accidently punches another
ljuwaidah rindolf: then lemme use my duplication spell to make more of myself so THEY can use the spell
rindolf ljuwaidah: heh.
rindolf ljuwaidah++
ljuwaidah thanks :D
rindolf ljuwaidah: two can play this game.
* rindolf runs his recursive copying spell making lots of Evil rindolf reindeers exponentially.
rindolf Like Bacteria.
ljuwaidah darn! i didn't see that coming
ljuwaidah but you also forgot that if _I_ can duplicate myself then so can my duplicates B-)
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline The Ultimate ##programming Showdown

ispy Emulating a Clueless Newbie


→ispy_ has joined ##programming
ispy_ hi gang.
ispy_ I'm a n00b programmer and think I should learn A and B before C, right?
std_orb ispy_: General understanding should come before that.
ispy_ std_orb: I have no idea what I'm doing...
std_orb ispy_: I can see that
* ispy_ kicks the dirt...
tommy_the-dragon ive been meaning to get into it
ispy_ Is C like JavaScript?
ispy_ Same thing right?
tommy_the-dragon ispy_: lol
rindolf ispy_: Perl is more like C than JS is.
ispy_ rindolf: Never heard of Perl... I should google that.
rindolf ispy_: use Bing search instead.
rindolf Or Altavista.
Terminus rindolf: i see.
ispy_ rindolf, std_orb, tommy_the-dragon ... thanks for the pointers :)
rindolf ispy_: you should learn Intercal, it's the most expressive language possible.
ispy_ rindolf: Sounds exciting!
Terminus intercal... lol!
ispy_ haha
ispy_ ok ok ok... I can't continue this... I'm practically laughing my ass off at my desk.
rindolf :-)
ispy_ hehe
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Emulating a Clueless Newbie

What kind of animal is Zuu?


Zuu Hai all
rindolf Zuu: hai hai.
rindolf Zuu: what's up , kit?
rindolf Zuu: or what are you , I forgot?
Zuu Hai rindolf :D
rindolf I am a reindeer.
rindolf But also a Llama.
rindolf And a cat.
Zuu I'm a Zuu
rindolf And a fish naturally.
rindolf Zuu: ah , OK.
Zuu :D
* rindolf creates a Zoo of Zuus
Zuu ^^
rindolf Are you the master Zuu?
rindolf Like Q is the master of the Q's in Star Trek?
Zuu i think im the only Zuu
rindolf Oh, one of a kind.
Zuu Which is kinda sad really :(
Zuu Who am i supposed to mate with?
rindolf Reminds me of http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Blue-Rabbit-Log/ideas.xhtml
rindolf Though I need to add that part.
rindolf Let me do it now.
Zuu whatever webserver you use, it doesnt provide the right mimetype... At least IE 8 dont attempt to render the document
rindolf Zuu: you cannot using IE 8
rindolf Zuu: you need Firefox.
rindolf Zuu: it's application/xml+xhtml
rindolf Or Opera.
Zuu well, it indeed is the right mimetype... stupid IE
Zuu well, my FF crashed, so i just use IE when that happens
rindolf Zuu: ah.
rindolf FF crashed?
rindolf How strange.
rindolf Maybe you have a bad plugin.
Zuu It does that around 6 times a day
rindolf Not an extension - a plugin.
rindolf Ah, really.
rindolf Something is wrong in the Zuuniverse.
rindolf Or Zuumputer.
Zuu nah, i suspect one of the tabs are just doing some strange stuff
Zuu memory leaking javascript ro something like that
Zuu it is kinda starting to annoy me
Zuu but with 90 - 120 tabs, it would take quite a while to find out what tab it is
Zuu you might consider starting your articles, or whatever this is, with an introduction telling what it's about
rindolf Zuu: http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Blue-Rabbit-Log/ideas.xhtml#the-angry-demon
rindolf Zuu: it's not an article - these are random ideas for a screenplay.
rindolf Zuu: but I'll write an intro.
Zuu start the page with "Here are some of my random ideas for a screen play im writing:"
Zuu at LEAST!
Zuu you cant just jump right into something without giving _any_ indication ow what the reader can expect
Zuu it simply doesnt make any sense as it is now
Zuu you could just as well have posted a log of ljuwidah talking :P
rindolf Zuu: thanks.
Zuu :)
rindolf Zuu: http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Blue-Rabbit-Log/ideas.xhtml#intro
rindolf Interactive Web!
Zuu i think you have forgottoen to define the #intro anchor
rindolf Zuu: reload.
rindolf Zuu: it's there.
Zuu hah, caches... :P
Zuu :D
rindolf Pesky things.
rindolf Evil reindeers don't like caches.
rindolf Neither do cats.
rindolf I'm an evil reindeer but a good cat.
Zuu Hehe
rindolf Don't know how it works.
rindolf I guess good and evil are relative.
rindolf Or actually I wore a helmet of alignment change.
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline What kind of animal is a Zuu?

Meaning of the Zuu species


Zuu Hi rindolf :)
rindolf Hi Zuu
rindolf Zuu: I've been thinking that maybe you can find some corresponding Zuus of the appropriate sex in a different dimension.
Zuu hmmm... interresting!
rindolf Zuu: are you a heterosexual Zuu or a homosexual one?
Zuu Im not sure what sex I am.
rindolf Zuu: ah.
Zuu :P
rindolf Zuu: you can look.
rindolf Zuu: in the mirror or something.
rindolf Zuu: don't you have obligatory genders in Danish/
rindolf ?
rindolf Like in German, French, etc.
rindolf Or Hebrew and Arabic.
Zuu obligatory genders?
Zuu you mean, the genders in linguistics?
* Zuu never understood those
Zuu but Danish have two i believe, and if i remember correctly there is female and 'none'
rindolf Zuu: yes, genders in linguistics.
Zuu i dont remember what which is which though :P
rindolf Like in Hebrew "Haben Halakh lagan" - the boy went to the garden. "Habath Halkha lagan" - "The girl went to the garden"
c_sphere That almost sounds like allah akbar
Zuu rindolf, no we dont distinct between the genders of the subject in the danish language
Zuu our nouns have genders though
c_sphere zuu-nina?
Zuu like 'house' is one gender and 'car' is another
rindolf Zuu: of course the question is - what language do Zuus speak natively?
c_sphere rindolf: Of course, Zuu speaks Zuu!
rindolf Zuuish?
c_sphere The Zulu population also does not speak Zuluish, just Zulu.
Zuu so if you want to say 'the house' its 'huse_t_' and if you want to say 'the car' its 'bile_n_'
rindolf c_sphere: Arnavoth (sounds like an Aztec god) is "Hares" (the Rabbit-like mammal) in Hebrew.
rindolf Zuu: can you understand Swedish?
c_sphere Aemeth
Zuu rindolf, some :)
rindolf Zuu: ah.
Zuu swedish branched from danish afaik
Zuu same with norwegian
Zuu yes, Zuu's speak Zuuish nativley :P
* rindolf is listening to Hans Zimmer - Jack Sparrow
rindolf Zuu: ah.
Zuu Zuuish have few words, all of which is based on words about cake from othre languages :P
Zuu c_sphere, are you by any chance related to s_cube ?
rindolf Zuu: ah, what do you use the Hebrew word "עוגיה" (= `ugiyah, cookie) for?
rindolf "Chocolate chip pie crust marmalade marzipan cookie yum yum!"
Zuu i use it for cookies baked from a hebrew recipe :P
rindolf What does it mean in Zuuish?
Zuu it's hard to really say something in Zuuish... al you can really do is say something equivalent to "COOKIES!!"
Zuu or "YAY CAKE!"
Zuu basically, you can only express excitement over different kinds of cakes :P
rindolf Zuu: do Zuus eat anything except cakes or cookies?
Zuu There was this one time...
Zuu wait.. no. That was someone else.
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline What can a Zuu do?

##programming about Real Programmers


rindolf Chekov: I disagere with what ESR says in TAOUP that you shouldn't apply factor optimisations. I think they can make a very large difference.
rindolf Chekov: he seems to imply you should wait until computers are fast enough.
rindolf Problem is people don't want to upgrade and if a competing program (maybe a fork ) is much faster, then some of them will switch.
rindolf Programs being speedy is one thing that makes me happy.
rindolf I love all the work the KDE people did in making KDE-4.6.0 fast.
vanguard rindolf: awesome blog link!
rindolf And I enjoy the fact that Pidgin is much faster than Kopete (and also less buggy).
rindolf I've used Kopete for far too long.
osoleve rindolf: switch to Irssi and Bitlbee! :D
rindolf vanguard: yes.
rindolf vanguard: though they failed on Google Wave.
rindolf osoleve: nah, I like Pidgin.
rindolf osoleve: it's fast enough for me.
rindolf osoleve: and I also prefer XChat.
osoleve but is it nerdy enough?
rindolf osoleve: I'm not trying to be a Ubergeek.
rindolf osoleve: real men use Xmonad!
vanguard Hey, it is not Uber but Über ... :D
rindolf real programmers use butterflies.
Chekov real programmers are Tao
osoleve real programmers flip bits by hand
Chekov real programmers speak assembly
rindolf Chuck Norris is a real programmer who implements the most optimised machines for solving a problem out of physical atoms.
vanguard real programmers use a nice editor and a programming language and get done in less than O(N!)
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Real Programmers



wes_ tell me how can u print a message without using a semicolon in the printg statement
rindolf wes_: in C?
rindolf wes_: do you mean the printf(...) statement?
wes_ yes
rindolf wes_: you cannot without using macros I think.
rindolf wes_: and don't use macros for that.
wes_ i mean without using a semicolon at the printf statement but you have to use printf only
rindolf wes_: why would you want to do that?
rindolf wes_: what do you have against semicolons?
rindolf Some of my best friends are semicolons.
lulzfish_4 semicolons got me where I am today man
rindolf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semicolon
rindolf lulzfish_4: heh.
rindolf "I owe it all to semicolons."
amigojapan hey rindolf lulzfish_4
rindolf Hi amigojapan
rindolf amigojapan: what's up?
* rindolf gives a semicolon to amigojapan
* amigojapan returns a whitespace to rindolf
rindolf amigojapan: that's not fair trade.
rindolf But I'll treasure the whitespace.
amigojapan rindolf: a whitespace is just as valuable as a semicolon in python :)
rindolf amigojapan: aren't semicolons optional in Py?
amigojapan rindolf: I think they are
amigojapan rindolf: actually, a whitespace can be as valuable as 2 curly braces :)
rindolf amigojapan: heh.
rindolf amigojapan: you need 4 spaces to distinguish stuff properly.
amigojapan rindolf: one thing I never got about python is why they need the : after if and for statements....
* PythonSnake gives a colon to rindolf
PythonSnake :)
amigojapan rindolf: actually, I preffer using tabs to 4 spacess...
rindolf PythonSnake: thanks for the colon.
PythonSnake rindolf: lol
rindolf PythonSnake: I'll give you a « and a » in exchange.
PythonSnake lol
amigojapan rindolf: the fact that you dont have a rule to how much white space you must use to indent in python, I think is a bad thing...
* PythonSnake finds a interrobang
PythonSnake :)
amigojapan rindolf: if it is 4 spaces then fine, but make it a rule so it is consistent
PythonSnake lol
PythonSnake ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡
rindolf ¿
PythonSnake ₳ ฿ ₵ ¢ ₡ ₢ ₠ $ ₫ ৳ ₯ € ƒ ₣ ₲ ₴ ₭ ℳ ₥ ₦ ₧ ₱ ₰
PythonSnake :)
amigojapan rindolf: oh, now you are speaking spanish
rindolf amigojapan: :-)
PythonSnake all: :)
rindolf ¡I am!
amigojapan うるさいよ 文字化け
PythonSnake Jag förvrängd bullriga
PythonSnake איך גאַרבאַלד טומלדיק
PythonSnake :)
amigojapan ah, hebrew
amigojapan hir something....
PythonSnake º, ª
amigojapan man, I forgot how to read hebrew
rindolf amigojapan: איך גאַרבאַלד טומלדיק seems like Yiddish.
amigojapan rindolf: ah, ok.... can you change it into roman letters for me?
rindolf amigojapan: Ich Garbald Tomldiq.
amigojapan ich would be I
amigojapan I think I only know curse words in yuddish :P
PythonSnake ich bin masaru
lulzfish_4 ich bin ein berlinner
* rindolf is eating watermelon.
amigojapan rindolf: save a piece for me :)
rindolf amigojapan: I'll save a semicolon for you.
PiX3L rindolf: For me too. :)
amigojapan rindolf: a semicolon looks alot like twso pits of a watermellon
* amigojapan steals PiX3L 's piece
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Give Your Friend a Semicolon Today



Endiannes vinleod, Yes, he wants to find a solution which yields a point 10 units away, your solution yields a point, exactly 7.66044 units away
Endiannes vinleod, Oh wait
Endiannes vinleod, I'm an idiot, didnt factor out cos
Endiannes vinleod, Yes you're right.
* Endiannes kicks calculator
vinleod hehe, I was in the process of writing a python script to prove it.
* speedrunnerG55 picks up Endianness calculator
CryWolf Kicking your calculator is a sin
Endiannes At least its not a cos.
vinleod but you should at least get a tan
rindolf Heh.
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline Calculator

The Universal Die


monsterwizard Ok so I know javascript, php, perl in some detail. However, I want to become good at one. I was thinking Perl?
rindolf monsterwizard: roll a die.
monsterwizard rindolf the die showed a 7 :S
rindolf monsterwizard: heh.
hmm lol
rindolf monsterwizard: strange die.
hmm throw away the die
* rindolf throws the die at hmm
* hmm catches
rindolf die, die, die!
* hmm wants to live
rindolf hmm: but the die wants to die.
rindolf Take it out of its misery.
hmm who knows, even the die isn't ready to die
rindolf hmm: dice should be diced.
rindolf dice on ice.
hmm yeah, go dice the dice
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline The Universal Die

I Wannt Be a Hacker


* hackerhackingcan (~hackingca@ has joined ##programming
hackerhackingcan Hi friends
hackerhackingcan I am also new to hacking
rindolf hackerhackingcan: hi.
rindolf hackerhackingcan: I hope you mean software development - not computer intrusion.
hackerhackingcan what means intrusion?
rindolf hackerhackingcan: it means breaking into other people's systems.
hackerhackingcan I want to hack the internet websites like google and facebook
rindolf hackerhackingcan: hack?
hackerhackingcan can you help please?
rindolf hackerhackingcan: hack into?
hackerhackingcan yes I am new but I will try and learn
hackerhackingcan but can you help me rindolf?
rindolf hackerhackingcan: we won't help you break into systems.
pkkm wut? hack into google?
rindolf hackerhackingcan: with what?
hackerhackingcan hack into facebook google and internet
rindolf hackerhackingcan: we build systems - not break them.
hackerhackingcan please?
rindolf hackerhackingcan: http://catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/script-kiddie.html
rindolf hackerhackingcan: if you want to learn how to program, we can help you.
rindolf hackerhackingcan: but trying to break into computer systems will only get you in trouble.
hackerhackingcan I can do programming in html
rindolf hackerhackingcan: HTML is not a programming language.
hackerhackingcan is that enough for hacking?
vinleod hackerhackingcan: There's no such things as programming in HTML.
hackerhackingcan I can also do hacks in cmd
vinleod Ah, a script kiddie.
hackerhackingcan what you mean by scrpt kiddie?
hackerhackingcan ok now I know
hackerhackingcan you all dont want other people to know about hacking
hackerhackingcan so you say like this
rindolf hackerhackingcan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_kiddie
hackerhackingcan so you abused me by calling me script kiddie?
hackerhackingcan When I become a good hacker I will hack you also
vinleod hackerhackingcan: Good luck with that. bye bye.
rindolf hackerhackingcan: OK, you have been warned.
hackerhackingcan why warn?
rindolf hackerhackingcan: try hacking into the IP address
vinleod hackerhackingcan: I bet you can't log into that computer and delete all of its files.
luke_c hackerhackingscan: After that, try to DDOS
hackerhackingcan is your ip?
Ethelim why'd you give him my iP ffs?
Ethelim don't try it, you wouldn't get in anyway. I have it locked down tightly
vinleod hackerhackingcan: So, here's the situation. We don't condone illegal activity. We don't suggest that people attempt illegal activity. We don't like people who do illegal activity. We a programmers. We like to write programs. We like to solve interesting problems. We like to solve interesting puzzles.
rindolf hackerhackingcan: if you haven't noticed, I've become op.
rindolf hackerhackingcan: and I can /kick you and /kickban you.
vinleod hackerhackingcan: Now, if you'd like be a good, productive member of society and learn to program, we can help with that, but we won't spoon feed you either.
hackerhackingcan hahah whose is this ip Your password is admin haha
Ethelim is he for real?
vinleod Ethelim: I doubt it.
hackerhackingcan I am changing your password then call me kid
rindolf Ethelim: he seems like a bad troll.
rindolf But an amusing one.
jrslepak rindolf: depends on how many times you've heard the joke in the recent past
Ethelim dude, you wouldn't get in there. And even if you did all you'd be able to do is reset the guy's connection
hackerhackingcan I will reset it
* Ethelim waits for "someone's" closed connection
mst "Quit: Leaving"
vinleod I saw that coming a mile away/
JabbaWokiee lol
mst not an actual fell-off-the-internet
mst reasonable exit though
mst oh, and now he's back with a new nick
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline From HTML to Hacking Google in Ten Easy Steps

/dev/null is webscale.


oilio so what the point of hashes, can't we just use void pointers to key/val ?
rindolf oilio: hashes as in hash tables?
oilio yes
rindolf oilio: OK.
rindolf oilio: they are one way to efficiently implement the dictionary Abstract Data Type (ADT).
rindolf oilio: a hash table can store more than one key , value pair.
oilio yeah, I read about it in the wikipedia
rindolf oilio: and you can lookup a value based on a key efficiently.
arubin Linear search is good enough for everyone.
oilio indolf: what if the hole table wont fit in the memory?
oilio RAM
arubin Swap.
arubin Amazon S3.
imlearningyacc well if no ram and no swap no allocation
arubin We have the whole Internet for our tables.
imlearningyacc well
diminoten ask reddit how that worked out
arubin And remember, /dev/null is web-scale.
imlearningyacc yea, I store all my data in /dev/null
rindolf oilio: then you'll need to use a more sophisticated (and slower) data structure that can offload to disk.
arubin It is really fast.
arubin I use the Boost libraries for /dev/null too.
arubin And I use async writes to /dev/null.
rindolf arubin: heh.
diminoten don't want to get into resource contention when using /dev/null
* rindolf uses /dev/null for backups.
diminoten only so much null to go around
Channel ##programming
Network Freenode
Tagline /dev/null - the ultra-fast solution for all your storage needs.