9.1. questions.wml - the data

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The Pi FAQ - <if <get-var render-body /> "Answers" "Table of Contents" />
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<h1><mytitle /></h1>

<if "<get-var render-body />"

<question anchor="what_is" title="What is Pi?">

Pi is the sum of the infinite series 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11...
multiplied by 4.


<question anchor="how_much" title="How much is Pi, approximately?">
The value of Pi varies according to the radius of the circle, so it's
hard to tell.

<question anchor="approx" title="Approximating Pi">

<promote />

<question anchor="when_zeroes"
          title="How many digits will I have to produce to reach a state of all-zeroes?">

It was proven that after a number between 1.345698 and 1.74 times 10 ** 12
digits, Pi is all zeros.


<question anchor="complexity" title="What is the fastest algorithm for approximating Pi?">

Approximating Pi was found to be NP-Complete.


<demote />

<question anchor="Uses" title="What can I do with Pi?">

The most common use of Pi is to generate random sequences. A far less common
use is for geometrical and trigonometrical calculations.


<if "<get-var render-body />"


Written by Shlomi Fish