I think too much - therefore I blog too much on Freenode's #perl - Fortune

I think too much - therefore I blog too much on Freenode's #perl

rindolf scrottie: hi.
scrottie hi rindolf!
rindolf scrottie: are you the scrottie from use.perl.org?
scrottie yeah.
rindolf scrottie: ah, nice to meet you.
rindolf Well, chat with you on IRC at least.
* scrottie cowers from the swinging fist probably coming his way
rindolf scrottie: I'm "Shlomi%20Fish"
scrottie oh, heh, thanks
rindolf It's a curse.
scrottie hmm. i vaguely remember interesting stuff from you but can't honestly place what.
scrottie I know I've seen you around here before too.
rindolf Yeah, my use.perl.org blog is mostly technical and perl-related.
scrottie I post on use.perl.org entirely too much.
rindolf So it may be a bit boring.
rindolf Sometimes it's a bit philosophical.
rindolf scrottie: yes.
scrottie heh. and mine is offensively off-topic.
rindolf scrottie: I have other blogs.
scrottie I've posted to livejournal twice!
Channel #perl
Network Freenode
Tagline I think too much - therefore I blog too much