Got the Slashdot? on Freenode's #perl. - Fortune

Got the Slashdot? on Freenode's #perl.

dkr which is that ACME:: filter that obfusctaes all your source into whitespace? :)
preaction Acme::Bleach
rindolf dkr: as preaction said it is Acme::Bleach.
dkr moderation -1 Redundant
* dkr smirks
nws get out you slashdotter
nws jk
dkr I got moderated overrated yesterday. I felt so loved
dkr GumbyGumby: how often do you post to /.?
GumbyGumby dkr: do it to system() a ssh command. Is doing that often.
rindolf GumbyBRAIN: how often do you post dkr to Slashdot?
GumbyBRAIN do it to list.
Channel #perl
Network Freenode
Tagline Got the Slashdot?