Conditional-to-Inheritance Refactoring on Freenode's #perl - Fortune

Conditional-to-Inheritance Refactoring on Freenode's #perl

edeca Hrm. More infernal questions, mainly because I am trying to make my perl prettier and contain less nasty if's. I have $foo and $bar which are obtained from split(/ /, 'kitten loving'). But I don't want undef if the split fails, I'd rather '' for $bar or both. What's the nicest way to do that?
Khisanth ($foo, $bar) = map { $_ // "" } split / /, $str; # 5.10 version :)
edeca Noo 5.10! :)
Khisanth ($foo, $bar) = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } split / /, $str; # probably some other shorter ways too
rindolf edeca: [bad idea] you can also try using the conditional->inheritance refactoring.
rindolf :-)
* Khisanth pours boiling coffee on rindolf
rindolf Khisanth: I hate coffee, but I guess I deserved it.
rindolf That was a joke, of course.
Khisanth you weren't really supposed to like having boiling anything poured on you but I guess you are into the kinkier stuff
Channel #perl
Network Freenode
Tagline Conditional-to-Inheritance Refactoring on Freenode's #perl