How much Perl do you need at Freenode's #perl - Fortune

How much Perl do you need at Freenode's #perl

shishirm1 is pop3 module avaliable only in perl 5?
jernster are you saying you use something other than 5?
icke perl 4 didn't even have modules
jernster heh
rindolf shishirm1: do you want to use it with Perl 4?
shishirm1 oh ok sorry i am comlete nooob!! so i am just asking you guys
shishirm1 nope is perl 5 a standard now?
jernster yes
shishirm1 ok great...
jernster :)
rindolf shishirm1: Perl 4 is unmaintained, unloved, deprecated, not recommended, and dead - D. E. D. - DEAD!
simcop2387-lap perl 4 is an EXPERL!
simcop2387-lap all statements that perl4 is a going concern are thus inoperative.
Channel #perl
Network Freenode
Tagline How much Perl do you need at Freenode's #perl