The Mojolicious Web Framework ============================= Introduction ------------ * Mojolicious - "the Web in a Box!" - * On CPAN: . * A self-contained web-development framework that only depends on perl 5 and its core modules. * As a result: implements a lot of functionality that exists in many other CPAN distributions in slightly different ways. * Licence:[Artistic 2.0] (open-source, mostly BSD-style). Code Examples ------------- ----------------------- # Using Mojolicious::Lite will enable "strict" and "warnings" use Mojolicious::Lite; # Route with placeholder get '/:foo' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render_text('Yea baby!'); }; # Start the Mojolicious command system shagadelic; ----------------------- More complex example, written by me for Insurgent Software and[available on github] under a yet undecided open-source licence: ----------------------- #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use InsurgentSoftware::UserAuth::User; use InsurgentSoftware::UserAuth::App; use Mojolicious::Lite; use MojoX::Session::Cookie; use CGI qw(); use KiokuDB; # Silence app->log->level('error'); my $dir = KiokuDB->connect( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=./insurgent-auth.sqlite", create => 1, columns => [ email => { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, }, ], ); get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; return $self->render( template => "index", layout => 'insurgent', title => "Main", ); } => "index"; my $app = InsurgentSoftware::UserAuth::App->new( { dir => $dir, } ); my %actions_params = ( 'get' => [ ['/register/', "register",], ['/login/' , "login",], ['/account' , "account_page",], ['/confirm-register' , "confirm_register",], ['/password-reset' , "password_reset",], ['/handle-password-reset' , "handle_password_reset",], ], 'post' => [ ['/register-submit/', "register_submit",], ['/login-submit/' , "login_submit",], ['/account/change-info' , "change_user_info_submit",], ['/password-reset-submit' , "password_reset_submit",], ['/handle-password-reset-submit' , "handle_password_reset_submit",], ], ); while (my ($verb, $actions) = each(%actions_params)) { foreach my $action (@$actions) { my ($url, $action_name) = @$action; __PACKAGE__->can($verb)->( $url => sub { my $controller = shift; return $app->with_mojo($controller, $action_name); } => $action_name ); } } sub logout { my $self = shift; delete($self->session->{'login'}); $self->render_text( "

You are now logged-out

\n", layout => 'insurgent', title => "You are now logged-out", ); return; } get '/logout' => (\&logout) => "logout"; shagadelic; =head1 TODO * Make sure that there are limits to the properties of a user (maximal length of E-mail, password, etc.). * Add a confirmation reminder feature to re-send the confirmation E-mail. * Add a way to cancel a registration using the E-mail (in case it's an unwanted registration.) =cut __DATA__ @@ index.html.ep % layout 'insurgent';

Insurgent Software's User Management Application

@@ register.html.ep % layout 'insurgent';

Register an account

<%== $register_form %> @@ login.html.ep % layout 'insurgent';

Login form

<%== $login_form %> @@ account.html.ep % layout 'insurgent';

Account page for <%= $email %>

Change User Information

<%== $change_user_info_form %> @@ password_reset.html.ep % layout 'insurgent';

Reset Your Password

The form below allows you to reset your password. Please enter the E-mail with which you registered.

<%== $password_reset_form %> @@ handle_password_reset.html.ep % layout 'insurgent';

Reset Your Password

The form below allows you to reset your password. Please enter your new password.

<%== $handle_password_reset_form %> @@ layouts/insurgent.html.ep <%= $title %> - Insurgent-Auth
<%== content %> ----------------------- What I like about it -------------------- * Easy to install (due to the lack of dependencies). * Mostly bug-free. ** The code appears to be of good quality. * Results in brief, yet easy to understand code. What I don't like about it -------------------------- * Too many reinvented wheels to the ones on CPAN. ** Possibly rounder but still different. * Slightly inconsistent API with many "Don't-do-exactly-what-I-meanerism." * I found the documentation lacking, and often had to resort to reading or debugging the source. * "I just work here." - I got paid for doing a Mojolicious::Lite project and was instructed to use Mojolicious which I did. ** I got paid to work with much worse technologies, though. Verdict ------- * The reinvented wheels is a deal breaker for me. * Mojolicious seems like a nice try, and I'm happy to get paid writing Mojolicious code, but it's still not my pot at the end of the rainbow. * Some friends told me that[Dancer] is nice, and it relies on premade CPAN modules. ** No first-hand experience with it.