Discussing the Subversion Build System in #svn. - Fortune

Discussing the Subversion Build System in #svn.

rindolf sussman: for the record, I think the build system is the ultimate proof that python code can be as bad as Perl one.
* clkao giggles
jackr hehe
* rindolf hopes he's not starting a flamewar
clkao btw, freebsd svn port maintainer was complaining about unable to do --with-swig specifying only perl or pythong bindings to build..
* cmpilato notes that the topic of this channel is Subversion.
clkao (so he refused to include the option for building either bindings in the port!)
rindolf I once saw a perl5 code written in perl4 style. Now that was hideous.
fitz complicated != bad
fitz "Building is complicated--that's why build systems are complicated." --kfogel
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