Chuck Norris Perlsixifies at FreeNode’s #perl6 channel. - Fortune

Chuck Norris Perlsixifies at FreeNode’s #perl6 channel.

rindolf ajs: perhaps Chuck Norris would be a useful addition to the Pugs and Parrot teams.
ajs rindolf: If Norris can write, give him a commit bit, and tie him to a keyboard ;)
FurnaceBoy I thought he already had commit
daxim Chuck Norris commits with a roundhouse kick into the SVN server’s head
* FurnaceBoy chuckles
ajs daxim: If you can get that to pass the test suite, then more power to you!
FurnaceBoy Chuck *is* the test suite
Kattana chuck norris does not code, when he sits at a computer, it just does whatever he wants.
rindolf Kattana: :-)
daxim ah, we’re easy to amuse
ajs Be the test suite, Chuck... BE the test suite.
FurnaceBoy you gotta pass ‘make chuck’
Channel #perl6
Network Freenode
Tagline Chuck Norris Perlsixifies at FreeNode’s #perl6 channel.