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Selena Mandrake - The Slayer

An Anglo-American geeky girl in her high school senior year in 2011 California, ends up finding out that she is none other than The Slayer, a legendary heroine who is destined to slay many notable vampires and demons, culminating in none other than The Master. See how she manages to do so, despite being completely non-violent, and even supportive of the demons she encounters.

A supernatural dramedie, this screenplay has many ties to my screenplay Star Trek: “We, the Living Dead”, and was part of the grand Star Trek Deep Space Nine / Buffy the Vampire Slayer / etc. great conspiracy theory thing that I imagined in my “great mania” that has inspired me ever since. It’s very farfetched, but on the other hand conveys many serious messages and insights.

Hope you enjoy it!



  1. Part 1 (with comments)